Sales is NOT a Dirty Word

Are you a DFY service provider who wants to convert over 50% of your sales opportunities without pressure, pitching or pretending to be someone else? Then this is for you. In this value packed podcast, creator of the Matchmaker Sales method™, Aleasha Bahr, brings on expert guests with refreshing, unconventional views on sales and reveals secrets normally only available in her high end 1-on-1 coaching. Aleasha and her clients regularly convert 80% of their calls and show you how to do the same with the Matchmaker Sales Method™ - because if it’s a fit, it’s a fact and there’s no selling involved.

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2 days ago

Ever feel paralyzed by the fear of hearing "no"? 
As a mother, wife, business owner or anything in between - women often hold themselves back from getting what they want for fear of rejection. 
The missed opportunity is enormous. 
That’s why we dive deep in this episode with Marta Greca, CEO of Media the Creative Agency and mother of 7. 
As you would imagine, knowing boundaries, clearly communicating your asks strategically, and not taking no personally are all crucial to successfully manage a life as full as Marta’s!
That includes asks for business, for sharing household chores or for kids to pitch in! They’re all asks that make a big impact on your life. 
Tune in to learn her secrets on: 
How to maintain a grounded sense of self instead of losing yourself to the identity of wife, mother or business owner (so easy to do!)
Staying persistent without taking rejection personally and reaping the rewards later
The strategy to refining your asks and staying curious so you get a “yes”
Understanding the different ways people process requests to make your asks more successful
Transforming your approach and results by thinking about the other person’s perspective 
If you like what Marta had to say in this episode and want to learn more please find her at:

Why People Get Burned in Sales

Thursday Jul 18, 2024

Thursday Jul 18, 2024

In this episode, we dive into sales strategies from the buyer’s POV because this is often when the biggest “ahas!” are unlocked. 
Have you ever felt like you bought something and then what was delivered was very different from what was sold? 
We probably all have encountered one of these sales “burns” that are so prevalent in mainstream sales.
These “burns” result in higher refunds, damaged reputation and lower sales overall - it’s a very short sighted strategy.
For that reason, it’s crucial to be as transparent as possible about what your buyer is buying - and as a result, you will have a lot more people buying from you!
Tune in to discover how to: 
Win more sales through clarity and honesty
Define your anti-audience - and become more magnetic to your ideal audience
Understand the top 3 reasons why people get burned - so you can avoid them!  
If you’re interested in never having another nightmare client - this episode for you. 
For sales support that’s specific to you - here’s the link:

Thursday Jul 11, 2024

How do you know when to conform and when to follow your intuition in a very different direction?
Join me as I chat with Jeff Sieh, the creative genius behind Manly Pinterest Tips and the host of Social Media News Live. 
He’s a fantastic example of a Black Sheep who did things differently - even though people told him it would “never” work. 
How did he figure out when to listen to others and when to do what felt right instead? 
That’s what we discuss in this episode as well as the laziest approach to marketing that gets the most successful results. 
Tune in to discover:
Jeff’s unique journey of innovation in a marketing space that has A LOT of white sheep 
The benefits of building a trusted network for honest feedback and support as a business owner
Clear direction on how you know when to follow the pack and when to deviate 
The laziest approach to getting bigger results with less effort (Jeff’s signature method)
If anything Jeff said resonated with you, check out his website at for a free course on using Pinterest and AI, and tune into his live show, Social Media News Live, for more valuable insights.

How To Sell More With Tone

Thursday Jun 27, 2024

Thursday Jun 27, 2024

Ever heard that it’s not WHAT you say - it’s HOW you say it that matters? It’s true. I would not be surprised if there were murders every year based on tone alone. 
Some sales experts will tell you to focus on tone - which can be incredibly distracting and difficult to stay present. 
Instead, focus on the energy and intention you’re bringing to the conversation and your tone will naturally follow - while allowing you to stay present! 
Tune in to discover:
The dangers of faking tone, personality, etc. in a sales conversation - and what to do instead 
How to effectively use the tone of your voice to move more sales forward 
The benefits and steps for objection prevention vs. objection defense 
Easy ways to create a magnetic energy in a sales conversation that makes people want to buy from you
Want to create the words that explain the VALUE of what you do - allowing you to naturally sound confident in sales conversations? 
Book your call here:

Thursday Jun 20, 2024

Ever feel like you're your own worst enemy? Like you’re driving with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake? 
This is a far too common experience for humans and I sat down with Tracy Pleschourt, the mastermind behind transformative life coaching school “Self Made You” to explore why. 
And more importantly - how to break that cycle! 
She dives deep into her SELF framework that has changed dozens, if not hundreds, of lives. It starts by defining what we want, eliminating fear-based thoughts, leveraging our strengths, and making continuous progress. 
We even use a pickle of a situation I found myself in to walk through the framework live. 
Remember, personal growth is like riding a carousel—no finish line, just continuous, small steps forward.
Tune in to discover:
How to recognize and address fear-based narratives that impact your decisions and create results you don’t want.
The power of empathy for yourself and others in making better choices that create the result you want.
Practical advice on using the SELF framework to overcome self-sabotage and leverage your strengths to create the reality you want.
Why continuous learning and intentional decision-making are key to a fulfilling life.
Ready to break free from self-sabotage and create your own success story? This episode is for you. 
If you want to experience the relief from using the SELF framework for a tough situation you’re in, join Tracy on her free coaching Fridays which you can find at

Thursday Jun 13, 2024

There’s this predominant feeling among people that marketing is sexy and sales is sleazy - even though they are very related. 
In this episode, I unravel the mystery behind many people’s preference for marketing over sales and how to turn those sales fears into strengths.
It ultimately comes down to your money beliefs messing with your mind. 
It leads people to undercharge, undersell or avoid selling altogether - and it’s actually a disservice to people, including yourself. 
Tune in to discover how to:
Transform sales into something as sexy as marketing that you love to implement
Understand the ways our beliefs about money influence our sales approach.
Eliminate the fear of rejection in sales - and sell more than ever 
Charge appropriately for your services. Hint: you charge more for less time
Navigate objections that minimize rejections 
Ready to flip the script on sales and approach it with newfound confidence? 
Let’s chat about leveling up your sales game. Book your call at

Thursday Jun 06, 2024

Business without burning out seems like a myth to most people 
The truth is actually, you will be far more successful when you drop the hustle & grind and come from a place of flow. 
What the hell is “flow”? Well, Kami Guildner, business coach for high-vibe, women entrepreneurs entrepreneurs breaks it down in detail on this latest episode - and it’s absolutely liberating. 
Listen in to discover:
It’s not just about the white space on your calendar - it’s the energy you bring to it and how you get there
The drawbacks of following business and marketing “formulas” and what to do instead
The crucial elements your business vision needs for success that most people miss
Defining a voice that’s irresistible to your ideal clients 
Becoming visible in a powerfully showstopping way that establishes you as a thought leader and authority 
If what Kami shared resonates with you then I highly recommend checking her out at 

Thursday May 30, 2024

If you’re hearing things like “this is a lot to process”, “thank you for this valuable information”, “let me get back to you” - it’s a sign that you are over educating on your sales calls. 
Educating and selling at the same time is a sure-fire recipe for confusion. 
Pre-education for your prospect to watch or read before you talk will immediately increase your sales with less effort required from you. 
In this episode, we’re uncovering the magic of pre-educating your prospects and how to do it in your own sales process.  
It’s all about setting the stage so your sales conversations are focused, productive, and a whole lot shorter.
Tune in to discover:
The real reason that educating in your sales conversation will kill your sales - it’s not that they’re going to go do everything themselves!
How to get into your prospect’s head (in a good way) and skip the jargon and in the weeds overwhelm. 
The natural human tendency towards skepticism and how to turn it around.
Different pre-education options to choose from like sending videos and guides to showcase your unique flair.
Powerfully filtering out people who are not a fit while simultaneously making the right people more likely to say yes to working with you - faster. 
Interested in seeing how this would work specific to your offer? 
Let’s chat about leveling up your sales game with pre-education. Book your call at
If you’re ready to ditch the long-winded sales marathons and convert more deals in less time, then don’t miss this episode!

Thursday May 23, 2024

What do sales & dating have in common? Well, everything as you’ll see in this episode. 
If you’re trying to marry anyone who will have you - people can feel that just like prospects can smell your commission breath. 
Rita Goodroe, an expert on making more money with less effort, shares her experience into understanding why she found herself heartbroken in a life she didn’t love as a lawyer.  
It involves going on 35 first dates in 35 days with random strangers and ends with her married and a highly sought-after keynote speaker. 
Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll discover when you listen: 
All attempts to be appealing make you immediately unappealing - and what to do to actually attract prospects (and dates)
The signs your actions are coming from a place of fear - and how to shift out of that place to experience success
Winning more with a focus on curiosity instead of the end result 
The magic of silence and pausing in a conversation instead of filling it with nonsense
If what Rita had to say resonated with you, I highly recommend checking out her powerful programs that support you in understanding yourself better and methods that will achieve more success at

Thursday May 16, 2024

Want to know the fastest and most unexpected way to increase your revenue and client retention? Clear boundaries.
People pleasers often think someone will like them more if they do more, never say no and go above and beyond. 
However, if you don’t let someone know what you’re doing is above and beyond then it simply becomes what’s expected and you quickly become burnt out. 
Then you can’t keep up that level of performance and the client leaves because quality declines (when in reality they just had mind-blowing quality before and had no idea). 
Listen in to discover how to:
👉Effectively set boundaries from the start that lays the groundwork for a successful relationship that you retain long-term before it even starts 
👉 Communicate crucial elements when you’re setting boundaries that give clients the context to be consistently impressed with your work
👉Kindly establish a boundary that paves the way to upsells and retention when a client asks for something out of scope 
👉 Avoiding common traps people pleasers fall into that suck up time and money in the  name of “potential” 
Don't make a deal based on potential. Make a deal based on what is in front of your face, the situation that you're in now. - Aleasha Bahr
Want to increase client retention and revenue while eliminating doing anything you hate doing? 

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